Palm Sunday Reflection from Deacon John

And they raised him up on a cross.

He was between heaven and earth. On the ground, yet raised up to the sky. He was with his people, with us, but he was also with his Father.

People had carried palms and sang ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’

But some perhaps mostly were looking a military leader called by God like Joshua or Gideon, or even Samson.

Many were disillusioned.

He was not the Messiah that they thought He would be. And they were right. Jesus was a military leader of a spiritual army, not a physical army.

But some of the people did understand why Jesus was lifted up. They realised that He had come to unite heaven to earth, and more to the point earth to heaven. They realised that God’s love could not be explained. There are no words, no concepts that adequately expresses His love. It is beyond comprehension.

God’s love can only be experienced. We experience His love when we come to the realisation that He did this for us, each and every one of us.

Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom

This is what the good thief prayed, and Jesus saw his faith. This man was concerned about the spiritual and not the physical.

Today you will be with me in paradise

the Lord responded. You will be part of my spiritual Kingdom. He experienced mercy.

And so we begin Holy Week. Our focus is on the cross, where the Lord reigned suspended between heaven and earth. We call out to Him.

Remember me Lord when you come into your Kingdom

And He calls out to us to

Join me

Join me in bringing heaven to earth. Provide the experience of God’s love to others.

‘Join me’

the Lord calls out, ‘join me in the sacrifice of the cross, join me in the triumph of the cross’
