Posts by Parish Administrator (Page 40)

100 Club Update

During the current lockdown we cannot run our normal monthly 100 club draw. Once the lockdown is lifted, and we can return to normal life, we will ensure all the draws that have been missed are played. If you are due to pay your 100 club weekly membership; please wait until the lockdown situation is…

Diocesan Newspapers Online

Due to the Coronavirus, CathCom have put as many UK Catholic Diocesan newspapers on one website ( so parishioners can stay in contact with their Church and their community. The website,, contains over 600 editions of the following newspapers:– A&B News– Cardiff People– Catholic East Anglia (East Anglia Diocese)– Catholic South West– Catholic Pic (Archdiocese…

Coronavirus update from Cardinal Nichols

A letter from the President and Vice-President on behalf of all the Bishops of the Conference Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, so many aspects of our lives must change. This includes the ways in which we publicly express our faith. It is very clear that, following official advice…

Daily Mass from Bishop Barron’s Chapel

In an effort to continue the practice of our faith in these trying times, when many parishes have closed due to restrictions around the coronavirus, we invite you to join us online for daily Mass from Bishop Barron’s chapel, celebrated either by Bishop Barron himself or by Fr. Steve Grunow, CEO of Word on Fire.…

Alpha Course Weekend

The Alpha Course group, which is running each Tuesday evening, attended a retreat weekend at The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst. The weekend included a number of talks, group discussions, Mass, prayer ministry, a rainy walk and a trip to the pub! Our leader Richard organised a wonderful and spiritual weekend which was appreciated by…